The Coton de Tulear is a small, sturdy, and charming dog with a cheerful disposition. Known for their loving nature, Cotons form deep bonds with every member of the family. Pronounced cu-toe de too-lay-are, this breed hails from the island of Madagascar, where it was once exclusively owned by Malagasy royalty. Often called the “Royal Dog of Madagascar,” the Coton de Tulear has been cherished for over three centuries. The breed likely developed from small dogs brought to the island by European merchants. Cotons are known for their delightful personality and were bred to be ideal companions. Lively and alert, yet gentle and slow to anger, they make wonderful lap dogs or loyal companions at your feet. Their playful, puppy-like demeanor lasts throughout their lives, and they are known for performing endearing tricks, such as walking on their hind legs. Cotons are also easy to train and get along well with other pets, including cats.